Gil stands tall on Main Street (Click to enlarge)
In the Summer of 1984 it seemed to me that it had been too long since loud noises and laughter had come from the end of Main Street in Rochester where the Past Time was. I had driven by the building several times since the 1960’s. It was still a bar, perhaps a little less seedy than when we called it home.
Web press run on newspint, 38 page knock off of Democrat and Chronicle complete with today's weather.
Frank Cicha, then head of Alumni House for RIT suggested alternative ideas for an event for Homecoming. It seemed natural to try to fill the vacuum that had existed for 20 years at the Past Time.
Before the Internet there was only the mail. RIT agreed to pay the postage, we had to create the direct mail piece… with no budget. A graphic arts and printing challenge tailor-made for RIT School of Printing Alumni. RIT segmented the people who were students from 1960-1969, about 15,000 names and addresses. Jack Farrington at Favia & Farrington and Mike Lofton handled production coordination. John O’Sullivan at O’Sullivan Typographers did the type.
The 15,000 former students on the mailing list were compiled with their phone numbers in a last name alpha sort.
Bob Adamson at Mono Litho Typesetting in Toronto, typeset the 15,000 names and phone numbers as part of the printed piece. The database wasn’t just the mailing labels, we published every name with a phone number, all 15,000, 38 tabloid pages full, and asked that everyone call a friend and then ask them to come.
It was printed in Canada by Ron DeLuca, Del/Charters Litho and shipped to Rochester for mailing… in six days.
That was 26 years ago. It was a plan to celebrate the thousands of relationships and memories that, even then, were 20 years in our distant past. It was a plan that worked!
It’s unlikely that many college experiences were as good as ours. Almost universally the people who experienced RIT’s Old Campus in the 60’s remember with warmth the pleasure their friends and their adventures.
I unpacked a box last week and found the printed piece, and pictures from the gathering at the Past Time which was Saturday October 14th, 1984. It was a great party.
Help identify these people! If you recognize someone or just have something to say, leave a comment. For instance, “picture #2 is Norm MacEachern”. You can click the photo and make it larger, (although you might think twice about enlarging #2). The photographs are numbered.
Identify Me! Picture Number 1 Bill Turri
Identify Me! Picture Number 2
Identify Me! Picture Number 3 Judy Hinchcliffe Sturge
Identify Me! Picture Number 4 Left Judy Hinchcliffe Sturge
Identify Me! Picture Number 5 Bill Turri (stripe shirt)
Identify Me! Picture Number 6 Jim Williams
Identify Me! Picture Number 7
Identify Me! Picture Number 8
Identify Me! Picture Number 9 Jim Williams
Identify Me! Picture Number 10 Mibb Browne and Linda Davis Turri
Identify Me! Picture Number 11
Identify Me! Picture Number 12
Identify Me! Picture Number 13
Identify Me! Picture Number 14
Identify Me! Picture Number 15 Bill Sloan
Identify Me! Picture Number 16 Kathleen Collins Howell
Identify Me! Picture Number 17
Identify Me! Picture Number 18
Identify Me! Picture Number 19
Identify Me! Picture Number 20 Norm and Jim Williams
Identify Me! Picture Number 21 Norm, George Hedden, Jim Williams
Identify Me! Picture Number 22 Ron Palmer
Identify Me! Picture Number 23 Norm, Don Simonini
Identify Me! Picture Number 24
Identify Me! Picture Number 25 John Snyder
Identify Me! Picture Number 26 Winky Hosey, Denny Ortman
Identify Me! Picture Number 27
Identify Me! Picture Number 28 Norm, Jim Williams
Identify Me! Picture Number 29
Identify Me! Picture Number 30
Identify Me! Picture Number 31
Identify Me! Picture Number 32
Identify Me! Picture Number 33 Bill Turri
Identify Me! Picture Number 34
Identify Me! Picture Number 35
Identify me! Picture Number 36
Identify me! Picture Number 37 John Reitzammer, John Snyder
Identify me! Picture Number 38 Walt Klein
Identify me! Picture Number 39
Identify me! Picture Number 40
Identify me! Picture Number 41 Larry McNally
Identify me! Picture Number 42 Robert Wood, John Kosta
Identify me! Picture Number 43
Identify me! Picture Number 44 Drinda Devasher
Identify me! Picture Number 45- Diane Mercomes Keenan
Identify me! Picture Number 46 Jim Halliday
Identify me! Picture Number 47 Diane Mercomes Keenan
Identify me! Picture Number 48 Skeeter and Rocky and Ron Palmer
Identify me! Picture Number 49 Carl Rachfall, Robert Wood
Identify me! Picture Number 50
4 Responses to The Past Time Reunion